[tldoc] [tex-live] yet another correction to live.tex

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Thu Jan 25 19:41:04 CET 2007

>>>>> "Karl" == Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> writes:

  >>     the x86_64-linux binaries had been created using AMD CPUs.

  > It would be crazy to try to make that distinction.

Yes, that's what I meant.  Just "x86 64-bit GNU/Linux".

  >     though they are actually created by Hartmut Henkel.

  > I thought you created them.

Hartmut tested the test-image last week and found out that some of the
binaries I compiled did not work for him.  The reason is that I'm
using Xorg which needs libXau.so and Hartmut runs XFree which does not
have this library.

There had been a little discussion between Hartmut, Norbert, and me.  I
tested binaries compiled by Hartmut here and they seem to work without
any problems.  We also thought that it's better to compile them on
Debian/stable because all libraries there are much older than on my
Gentoo system.  Norbert uploaded Hartmut's binaries last Monday.

  r3678 | preining | 2007-01-22 07:29:26 +0100 (Mon, 22 Jan 2007) | 2 lines

  New binaries for x86_64, build on Debian/sarge, from Hartmut Henkel

I'm very glad that Hartmut tested it.

It can't hurt if other x86_64-linux users try more recent images.
People who do not want to download the live image can just install the
CD and extract http://ms25.ath.cx/x86_64-linux.tar.bz2 (11.5 MB) in the bin
directory (or better use rsync to download the files from the TUG
server, which will be significantly faster). 


Reinhard Kotucha			              Phone: +49-511-4592165
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover	                      mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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