[tldistro] babelbib/spanish.bdf change

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Thu May 1 01:49:09 CEST 2014

The source file is babelbib.dtx.  Looking at it, I see that the ##1 is
included for some languages, but not all.  Probably that is just a copying
mistake, but it means the patch is not obvious on the face of it.

The upstream author is Harald Harders.  I assume you can find him.
Else let me know.


--- texlive-base-2013.20130509.orig/texmf-dist/tex/latex/babelbib/spanish.bdf
+++ texlive-base-2013.20130509/texmf-dist/tex/latex/babelbib/spanish.bdf
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
-  \def\btxmonmayshort##1{\protect\foreignlanguage{#1}{May}}%
-  \def\btxmonjunshort##1{\protect\foreignlanguage{#1}{Jun}}%
-  \def\btxmonjulshort##1{\protect\foreignlanguage{#1}{Jul}}%
+  \def\btxmonmayshort##1{\protect\foreignlanguage{#1}{May##1{}}}%
+  \def\btxmonjunshort##1{\protect\foreignlanguage{#1}{Jun##1{}}}%
+  \def\btxmonjulshort##1{\protect\foreignlanguage{#1}{Jul##1{}}}%

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