[tldistro] dvips not reading the map file (tamil omega in Ubuntu TL)

P. P. Narayanaswami swami at mun.ca
Wed Jan 30 10:25:22 CET 2013

I am trying to install tamil Omega 1.0.2 in ubuntu 12.04 texlive-full.
The install.sh script that comes with the package places the
various files in the texmf-texlive tree as follows:

.pfb 	/fonts/type1/tamil
.tfm 	/fonts/tfm/tamil
.sty 	/tex/lambda/tamil
.fd 	/tex/lambda/tamil
.map 	/fonts/map/dvips/tamil
.otp 	/omega/otp/tamil
.ocp 	/omega/ocp/tamil
And does 
updmap-sys --enable Map tamil.map

After this, the command "lamed file.tex" works fine and the .dvi file is
created.  But, dvips is not reading the  .map files and tries to make bitmaps 
kpathsea:  Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 600 --mag 3+300/600 --dpi 2100
mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for tmca0bps.

and no .ps output is generated.  Consequently ps2pdf command also generates an
empty pdf file.

The command: kpsewhich tamil.map certainly locates the map file.

I guess the problem is the incorrect directory where the map file is
placed.  What is the correct directory where the .map file should go?
I see the standard psfonts.map, builtin35.map etc  resides in
Where should I move the tamil.map file so that dvips can read it and generate
tghe .ps file, and then the ps2pdf cpmmand can generate the pdf output? Will it
help if I move the tamil.map here and do texhash and an updmap?

By the way, things used to work perfectly in previous versions of ubuntu

Any help will be appreciated.

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