[tlbuild] asy-2.58 build?

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Tue Oct 15 00:39:30 CEST 2019


Here are my asy instructions. One word of warning. When I was all done, I wanted to see if the "typesetting engine" in TeXShop still worked, so I replaced the old asy in TeX Live 2019 with the new one. This completely failed for 3D illustrations, although 2D ones worked fine, It turns out that the reason for the failure is that TeX Live has a whole folder of support files for asy, and they were for the old version,

If you want to test asy in this sort of way, you should put it in the folder with the TeX source you want to try,
and call it as follows:

	pdflatex Sample.tex
	./asy -v -dir base  Sample-*.asy 
	pdflatex Sample.tex

and here "base" should be a full path to the asymptote source folder, ending with the base folder inside,
So for me, base was


I'll put the new asy binary on my web site at ctan, so you can get it via

	http://tug.org/~koch/asy <http://tug.org/~koch/asy>

However, give me at least 15 minutes after this mail arrives to put it there.

Richard Koch
koch at uoregon.edu


ASYMPTOTE: The build process for TeX Live does not automatically build
asymptote. Asymptote must be built separately. This requires first building 
three libraries, fftw-3.3.8, gsl-2.6, readline-6.3. We carefully build these 
so they will statically link, because they may not exist on user machines.

As usual, we put this preparation step at the end and describe here the steps
to rebuild asymptote if there are changes.


Build asymptote. 

	cd ~/texlive2020dev/source/utils/asymptote
	make clean
		(reach into texlive2020dev/source/utils/asymptote
		 and throw away the folder gc-8.0.4, keeping the related tar file)
	export CPPFLAGS="-I/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild/include -I/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild/include/gsi -I/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild/include/readline"
	export LDFLAGS="-L/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild/lib"
	./configure --prefix=/tmp/asyinst --enable-texlive-build
	strip asy

	## To test, 

	cd ~/texlive2020dev/source/utils/asymptote
	make check

	## We want Testing errors…PASSED

	## End of checking

Move To Desktop 
	cd texlive2020dev/source/utils/asymptote
	cp asy ~/Desktop/asy

NOTES: gsl-2.6 is latest, released August 20, 2019

	fftw 3.3.8 is the latest, released May 28, 2018

This as of October 6, 2019


You must compile three libraries, which will be statically linked so that in
the end they are not installed in a user's system. 

Create a folder named "AsymptoteBuild" in your home directory.

Get the Fast Fourier Transform Library (FFTW) from http://www.fftw.org/
and install the tar.gz file in AsymptoteBuild. Decompress it, producing a folder
named fftw-3.3.8. 

Get the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) from http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/
and install the tar.gz file in AsymptoteBuild. Decompress it, producing a folder
named gsl-2-6. 

Get the GNU Readline Library from https://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html 
and and install the tar.gz file in AsymptoteBuild. We use version 6.3, which has 
always worked, rather than version 8.0. Decompress it, producing a folder 
named readline-6.3 containing the source code.

Finally, get the glm project from https://glm.g-truc.net/0.9.9/index.html. Decompress to
get a folder named glm and place this folder in AsymptoteBuild-2020. Inside is another
folder named glm. Make a copy of this folder in AsymptoteBuild-2020/include, naming 
the copy glm as well. Note that glm is just a collection of C++ headers, so no compiling
is necessary. (Note that AsymptoteBuild-2020/include is created when the initial libraries
are built, so wait until the end to do the glm step.)

Build these libraries as follows:

	cd ~/AsymptoteBuild
	cd fftw-3.3.8
	make clean
	./configure --prefix=/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild --exec-prefix=/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild
	make install

	cd ..
	cd gsl-2.6
	make clean
	./configure --prefix=/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild --exec-prefix=/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild
	make install

	cd ..
	cd readline-6.3
	make clean
	./configure --prefix=/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild --exec-prefix=/Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild
	make install

	cd /Users/koch/AsymptoteBuild/lib
	rm -f *.dylib
	rm -f *.la


To see which dylibs are called by asymptote:

	otool -L asy

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