[tlbuild] asy and OpenGL

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Mon Apr 1 09:59:01 CEST 2019

Hi all,

again asymptote ...

There is a problem I see recently, and that is that the OpenGL stuff
isn't anymore reasonably usable, since libGLEW is changing major API
- Debian jessie (old stable):   1.10.0
- Debian stretch (current stable):      2.0.0
- Debian buster (soon to be stable):    2.1.0

I don't know about other distributions etc, but for example the asy
binary I compiled on jessie does not run on my buster system.

I am tempted to ship *two* asy:
- asy-opengl
- asy
and have the asy version do not include the OpenGL libs.

What do other think?


PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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