[tlbuild] asy on Macintosh

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Fri Mar 29 14:03:05 CET 2019



At Mojca's urging, I downloaded gc 8.0.4. Then I directly used .configure and make to build the library on the Mac. No problems.

Then I added gc-8.0.4.tar.gz to the asy source in TeX Live and added a configure flag to use this version. The asy .configure log says it was used.

When compiling, I got exactly the same C++ errors as before. Mojca seems to compile either using macOS 10.6 or else using MacPorts. I do not believe this version of gc can be used with the current code when compiled on current Macs (and here "current" means Sierra and beyond, so for the last three years). Whether gc or asy is ultimately at fault I cannot say.

Richard Koch
koch at uoregon.edu

PS: To repeat last night's message, with the earlier gc and various other fixes, I compiled asy without errors and it seemed to pass all tests.

> On Mar 29, 2019, at 5:52 AM, John Bowman <bowman at ualberta.ca> wrote:
> Hi Mojca,
> It's good to know that there is a new gc release (and that the official source has moved, with a 8.0.4 released just 27 days ago) and that it compiles on the Mac.
> I will make a new release with these changes later today. It will also include a fix to an asy bug (broken soccerball example) that needs to fixed across all platforms.
> What do we do about -lgccpp? Is that still needed for some MacOSX platforms and if so is there a way to detect which ones?
> Thanks for the feedback,
> -- John

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