[tlbuild] m-tx test fails on powerpc-linux

Johannes Hielscher jhielscher at posteo.de
Fri Apr 6 01:27:48 CEST 2018


the m-tx package is part of TeX Live (Source/utils/m-tx) and provides
sources (C, converted from the upstream Pascal source via p2c) for the
prepmx application that is shipped with TL binary distributions.

There is a simple test for prepmx:
This has always worked as intended, but now has failed for TL2018 on
PowerPC (G4, 32bit big-endian) on Linux (Debian 8, gcc-5.5.0).

In one line of the output file, the last character got replaced by the
two (!) bytes 0x03e8, which are ASCII gibberish. Find the broken file
and a correct reference attached (a verbatim diff wouldn't be useful

The output comes from the fprintf call ending on "%d\n" at line 1131 of 

This misbehaving of fprintf ist strange for itself. Moreover, it appears
not to be (solely) due to my build environment: most of the source file,
including the line in question, did not change since at least m-tx v0.62
that was shipped with TL2017 (as didn't in the Pascal sources, cf.
https://github.com/dlaurie/M-Tx/blame/master/preamble.pas ll. 661f ),
but the same compiler creates a binary that works as expected from the
old code (needless to say that the TL2017 powerpc-linux binary
behaves well, too).

One difference of the behaviour of v0.63 to last year's code is that
prepmx emits some more warnings during processing:

==> This is M-Tx 0.63 (Music from TeXt) <7 January 2018>
==>> Input from file mozart.mtx
Writing to mozart.pmx
You have not defined Meter, assuming "C" : WARNING in preamble
No range defined for voice RH: WARNING in preamble
No range defined for voice LH: WARNING in preamble
PrePMX done.  Now run PMX.

(The "not defined Meter" was already present in 2017, the voice RH/LH
warnings are new.)

It is puzzling that any of upstream sources, the p2c workflow, the TL
build procedure, or the platform seem out of question for causing this
bug. Any ideas where to start?

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