[tlbuild] Support for musl

Norbert Preining norbert at preining.info
Tue Jan 23 02:39:34 CET 2018

> The error is from the build of icu which requires xlocale.h which is not included in Alpine Linux
> because it is only part of the glibc version of libstdc++.  Alpine gets around this by monkey

Ok, that makes it more complicated to be adapted. Probably one needs to
work with upstream ICU, poppler, ... to make these libs compile with
musl in addition to glibc.

Patching all the libs for musl does not sound like something we want to
do in TeX Live.

I guess there will be many more problems when it comes to c++?

> That is basically what I propose and what some other toolchains already do, most notably the Rust

Well, but it *is* a pain and owuld need considerable changes in our
infrastructure, not to speak of explanations to the users ...

> This could of course be minimised as most users do not need the full scheme.  It is really easy to

And how to you select what parts to drop and what parts to include?

> provide images with more minimal schemes as well.  That is where Alpine Linux comes in.  The base
> image has only 5.5 MB and if it only bundles tl-infra it should be perfect for people who want to
> install packages by hand on top of a minimal container for their continuous integration.

Providing docker images based on debian plus the always last version of
texlive-infra only installed sounds like a good idea - although I don't
think many people will use them.



PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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