[tlbuild] just built custom binaries doesn't contains the 'biber'

Ken Moffat zarniwhoop at ntlworld.com
Sun Sep 6 22:47:09 CEST 2015

On Sun, Sep 06, 2015 at 10:15:04PM +0300, Кирилл К wrote:
> But where from comes biber binaries when installing texlive with
> precompiled ones? From corresponding package? What are other packages which
> (or its parts) doesn't installs with install-tl and incorrect managing by
> tlmgr?

The biber maintainer builds them.  If you look at his git tree,
there are scripts for building binaries for all sorts of different
operating systems.  As part of that, the required perl modules are
compressed into the binary by another perl module.

I cannot comment on tlmgr, except to say that if you use the
official binaries, it is supposed to work.
> Why there  are nothing about this (biber and same others) in texlive
> documentation (i.e. in Building and Installation sections)?/

There is documentation online, http://www.tug.org/texlive/build.html

It mentions also asymptote and xindy, and it explains why they are
not in the main source build.  I did not manage to use the
instructions for building all of these when I first found out they
were not in the main source (I think I was specifically trying to
build xindy), so I have pointed you to how I do it.  Perhaps there
are other ways.

Il Porcupino Nil Sodomy Est! (if you will excuse my latatian)
  aka "The hedgehog song"

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