[tlbuild] ttf2pk versus ttf2pk2

Hin-Tak Leung hintak_leung at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 1 20:49:05 CEST 2013

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 19:44 BST Hin-Tak Leung wrote:

>On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 15:05 BST Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>> [...] patched ttf2tfm (the freetype 1 version) fixed for
>> indeterminism and floating-point exception.
>>Please post these patches!
>>And *please* post an example of different TFMs, and a recipe how to
>>generate them.  We are going in circles otherwise.
>I already posted one patch. Since the whole purpose of ttf2pk/ttf2tfm is to adding use of new fonts, a rewrite or bug-fixes without aiming for that, just for the sake of it, is meaningless. 
>Besides, the two bug fixes turned out to be very obvious. and most familiarwith the code should be able to fix them in minutes.  That goes back to a point I kept repeating: why is a rewrite being done by somebody who does not use it? 
>Here are the hints: how many places is unintialised memory being used? how many lines are between the branching of ttf vs 

... ttc and the posted location of the gdb floating point exception? 

I counted only one place for the former, and about a screenful of lines in the latter. 

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