[tlbuild] problem compiling

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sun Jan 6 00:26:02 CET 2013

    is there a problem with reautoconf-ing or is there something else
    going on, but I cannot compile after reautoconf anymore:

You've been running reautoconf?  I'm surprised that works at all.  Peter
and I have always been doing it based on the latest official upstream
releases.  You can't use our Makefile.in's, etc.?

Peter just committed new files generated from Automake 1.13.1.

    Where AM_V_P is nowhere defined 

AM_V_P is a new variable, predefined as of Automake 1.12.2, so that's
why you don't have it.  It's all about silencing (or not) make rules.

It looks to me like Peter is using AM_V_P now in several *.am files.
Can you move to a newer Automake?


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