[tlbuild] poppler and xetex

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Mon Nov 26 13:34:23 CET 2012

Hi Peter,

On Mo, 26 Nov 2012, Peter Breitenlohner wrote:
> not really, 0.18 would otherwise suffice.  I had increased the requirement
> kpse-poppler-flags.m4 and prefer to require 0.20.  I assume for the next
> stable Debian packages you will have poppler-0.20.  The basic policiy is
> that who ever wants to use system libraries has to have suitable 
> versions. Nevertheless I could reintroduce POPPLER_VERSION into 
> kpse-poppler-flags.m4

For the sake of backporters I would at least make it *easy* to
patch it so that it still configures/runs with libpoppler 0.18.

Debian wheezy will hopefully be released sooner or later, but with 
poppler 0.18. After that any backport to it will be  abit a problem.

So - again - it is not necessary, but it might help various
(not only distributions) if at least the patching of 0.18 possibility
back in is not too complicated.

I might also be wrong and in 3 month all the dists and everyone is
using poppler 0.38 ;-)

Best wishes

Norbert Preining            preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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