[tlbuild] texlive and politics...

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Mon Mar 19 23:11:52 CET 2012

Hi Boris,

quick from iphone

> However, right now there is a technical problem: tlmgr assumes there
> is only one repository; you can change it to tlcontrib, but then you
> lose the core one

Well, that is not right, you can use both. I had my default set to ctan, and now and then did 
  tlmgr --repo ...tlcontrib update --all
  tlmgr update --all # now from main
so users are already free to do that.

>  would be *much*
> easier if tlmgr could accept a list of repositories,

In the queue for 2012, there is already another repository tlmulti where you can pull from a texlive.infra that has a multi enabled tlmgr. Jnfortunately nobody but me ever tested it.

> merge it and
> select the newest version of the package found.  

That will be a bit paticular, but in principle you are right.

> Can we add this functionality before TL'2012 freeze?  I can help with
> this if necessary.

Will be jncluded when we stop tlnet updates, which is when, Karl?


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