[tlbuild] ptex ini creation seg faults on OpenBSD

Edd Barrett vext01 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 11:32:33 CEST 2010


I am seeing this when running fmtutil and it gets to building the ptex ini:

Applying patch file ltpatch.ltx
* making pLaTeX format
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000000000041ff39 in zgetjfmpos (kcode=41377, f=0) at ptex0.c:7337
7337      if ( ( fontinfo [ctypebase [f ]+ sp ].hh .v.RH <= jc ) && ( jc <= 
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000000000041ff39 in zgetjfmpos (kcode=41377, f=0) at ptex0.c:7337
#1  0x000000000044f8cc in maincontrol () at ptex0.c:24011
#2  0x0000000000411497 in mainbody () at ptexini.c:4514
#3  0x000000000045410c in main (ac=5, av=0x7f7ffffead30) at ptexextra.c:788
(gdb) print ctypebase 
$1 = (integer *) 0x202449000
(gdb) print *ctypebase 
$2 = 0
(gdb) print f
$3 = 0
(gdb) print sp
$4 = 1
(gdb) print fontinfo
$5 = (memoryword *) 0x21255a000
(gdb) print fontinfo [ctypebase [f ]+ sp ].hh
$6 = {v = {LH = -791621424, RH = 0}, u = {B1 = -12080, B0 = -12080}}
(gdb) print fontinfo [ctypebase [f ]+ sp ].hh .v
$7 = {LH = -791621424, RH = 0}
(gdb) print fontinfo [ctypebase [f ]+ sp ].hh .v.RH
$8 = 0
(gdb) print jc
$9 = 8481
(gdb) list 7337
Line number 7332 out of range; ptexextra.c has 2815 lines.
(gdb) list ptex0.c:7337
7332      KANJIcode jc  ;
7333      halfword sp, mp, ep  ;
7334      jc = toDVI ( kcode ) ;
7335      sp = 1 ;
7336      ep = fontnumext [f ]- 1 ;
7337      if ( ( fontinfo [ctypebase [f ]+ sp ].hh .v.RH <= jc ) && ( jc <= 
7338      fontinfo [ctypebase [f ]+ ep ].hh .v.RH ) ) 
7339      {
7340        while ( ( sp <= ep ) ) {
(gdb) print fontinfo [ctypebase [f ]+ ep ].hh
Cannot access memory at address 0x212559ff8
(gdb) print fontinfo [ctypebase [f ]+ ep ]   
Cannot access memory at address 0x212559ff8
(gdb) print ep
$10 = -1

This was on an amd64 machine running OpenBSD-current, building with GCC4.

Please feel free to request more info.

Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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