[tlbuild] build failure: usage of __attribute__ ((format(printf, 1, 0))) in texk/web2c/luatexdir/luafontloader/src/ffdummies.c

Vladimir Volovich vvv at vsu.ru
Fri May 28 14:26:57 CEST 2010

"TH" == Taco Hoekwater writes:

 >> __attribute__ is also used in at least these files:

 TH> Used yes, but it should not produce errors (thanks to obsdcompat
 TH> header inclusion)

yes, thanks. so the only remaining problem with __attribute__ usage
occurs in texk/web2c/synctexdir/synctex.c and could be fixed by adding
the following somewhere at the beginning of that file:

#ifndef __attribute__
#define __attribute__(A)


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