[tlbuild] new build of bibtex/bibtex8: failure when aux file is not in cwd

T T t34www at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 29 12:35:46 CET 2010

2010/1/29 François Charette <firmicus at ankabut.net>:
> As I said, this is not a problem for most users, but some utilities do
> appear to call bibtex from a different location. I'm fine with whatever
> you'll decide. I guess LilyPond and gedit's latex plugin will eventually
> adapt to this change.

If you don't mind setting `openout_any = a' globally, then just add it
to your texmf.cnf. That's what I do, so I don't have to remember to
set it every time I need write access outside the current dir (which
happens quite often in my case).



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