[tlbuild] XETEX compiled in CYGWIN

Rodrigo Medina rodmedina at cantv.net
Mon Sep 8 02:56:01 CEST 2008

As reported in: 


the building process stopped at the compilation of xetex.

I have just compiled xetex in CYGWIN-gcc, but giving the command
by hand. The problem is the following:

in /libs/icu-xetex/icu-xetex.ac (which is included by
 /texk/web2c/configure.in) the name of the icu libraries that are
linked to xetex are set as
  libsicuuc.a libsicule.a and libsicudata.a.
Those are the names that the icu-package gives to the static libraries,
and is what the icu-package builds for CYGWIN; but actually xetex requires
dynamic libraries. 
 I have built the shared libraries (.dll) and the import libraries (.dll.a) 
from the static ones: cygicuuc.dll and libicuuc.dll.a etc.
Then I have built xetex.exe by hand using the import libraries. No problem.

At this point I am a little bit confused on how to proceed in order to
have an automatic building without spoiling the building process for
other platforms.

Does this problem affect other platforms?

Is the icu-xetex.ac file a TeXlive file or a xetex file?

It does not seem reasonable to mingle with texk/web2c/configure. On the
other hand it is quite confusing to use the same name for two different

Rodrigo Medina

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