[tlbuild] xdvipdfmx

Olaf Weber olaf at infovore.xs4all.nl
Thu May 22 10:05:34 CEST 2008

Jonathan Kew writes:

> Aha, that makes sense! I suppose we could try making the fontconfig
> test aware of additional places to look, but I'm hesitant to touch
> all the auto-* related stuff any more than necessary. Or if you want
> to create an additional option to specify the library location,
> that's fine.

My preference would be an option that specifies where to look for the
library.  I've done something like that before, just need to find it
and see if I can put it in.

> I have, however, checked in a change to xdvipdfmx's configure script
> so that if it fails to find fontconfig, it should now stop with an
> error message, instead of trying to proceed with a fontconfig-free
> (but basically useless) build. That should make the real problem much
> easier to see, if it comes up again.

Excellent, thanks.

Olaf Weber

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