[texworks] TeXworks 0.6.8 released

Philip Taylor (Hellenic Institute) P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk
Mon Feb 20 11:58:00 CET 2023

On 20/02/2023 09:38, Paul A Norman wrote:
> I don't know if this were used on the command line, whether it would 
> both initialise and set a wanted directory, and also as well trigger 
> the display of the wanted dialog box during setup execution?  May not 
> if what you say already overrides everything anyway Stefan.
> I'm not in a position to check that myself just now ...
> DIR="x:\dirname"
> Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select 
> Destination Location wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be 
> specified. May include an "expand:" prefix which instructs Setup to 
> expand any constants in the name. For example: 
> '/DIR=expand:{autopf}\My Program'.
> https://jrsoftware.org/ishelp/topic_setupcmdline.htm
> Paul

Thank you Paul.  I tried it as an environment variable, I tried 
introducing it as a qualifier on the command line with a hyphen 
delimiter, but only after reading the documentation did I finally 
realise that it is a command-line qualifier which requires a slash ("/") 
delimiter !  Works for me, but in the meantime I had performed a Start / 
Control Panel / Programs and features / Uninstall, so I cannot be 
certain that it would have worked without that.  I will try again shortly.

/** Phipl./

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