[texworks] texworks NOT working

Arthur Mutambara arthur_mutambara at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 15 11:46:47 CEST 2021

 but the memory is 1.88Mb. how can it be empty
    On Thursday, April 15, 2021, 10:16:44 AM GMT+2, Arthur Rosendahl <arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org> wrote:  
 On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 07:50:54AM +0000, Arthur Mutambara via texworks wrote:
>  here is the file, i am failing to open. is it corrupted?

  Yes.  It consists entirely of bytes with value 0.  There is no useful
information in it.  It is not clear how the file was corrupted, but I
really doubt that TeXworks could do anything like that.

    Another Arthur
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