[texworks] Windows: ver 0.6.3 TeXworks paths, and running as Portable

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 02:53:14 CEST 2019


(This may all be Windows specific..)

I've been successfully running TeXworks as a Portable application out of
the box.
Till recently for compatibility and stability in my whole LaTeX set-up, I'd
frozen my LaTeX utilities at around 2016 and before. This also enabled me
to run everything as a Portable working copy when necessary.

So I've just looked at updating from TeXworks var 0.4.5 to 0.6.3 looking
forward to the improvements and enhancements especially in the pdf viewer.

I used the downloadable zip, not the installer, intending to continue using
TeXworks as a Portable version.

And discovered that Scripts et al.. have been moved in a previous revision
meanwhile to a "personal" User directory under Windows administration.

This of course makes a Registry entry, and I found the helpful information
for that under  Help/Settings and Resources.

However sometimes if you are moving around you are not allowed to make
registry entries, and you want your personalised stuff and settings with
you in a Portable set-up, as it used to be - all under the TeXworks main

As all this happens when TeXworks is first run, I wondered if there was
already a configuration setting somewhere, or on the command line(?), that
would disable that, and have things instead in the main TeXworks folder as
before please?

I've checked through Preferences but can't see anything for controlling
all  this there.

Can TeXworks detect on first run that existing directories and files were
already copied/moved into place before first run, and if so, not do
anything with the Windows Registry please - or just make the necessary
adjustments in place?

Any help appreciated please.

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