[texworks] Include unedited pdf files within a .tex document

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed May 23 20:48:21 CEST 2018

On 23/05/2018 9:48 AM, Dr A K Hannaby wrote:
> Tug
> I’m familiar with scanning A4 text pages to jpeg and then clipping-off 
> the borders so as to import the reduced-size jpeg into a figure within a 
> tex document – say an article.
> Is there any way of appending a series of unedited A4 size pdf scanned 
> images so that they appear sequentially as though they are appendices 
> within a tex document?
> That is, as though each A4 scanned image occupies the full A4 space on 
> any particular A4 page.
> [I have a bundle of letters that I would like to show in high resolution 
> as part of one integrated document.]

If you are using LaTeX rather than TeX, you can use the pdfpages package 
for this.  After \usepackage{pdfpages} in your header, you put something 


to put pages 23 to 25 of foo.pdf into the document, scaled to 75% of 
their size.  I forget whether this is needed, but I see in an old 
document I used "pages=-" to insert all pages.

There are lots of additional options...

Duncan Murdoch

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