[texworks] Useful tool gone missing in MiKTeX

Paul Norman paul at paulanorman.info
Sun Mar 11 02:31:34 CET 2018

(off list - direct to avoid any barrage of uncomplimentary/self important postings :-)

Dear Keith,

It was obvious what you were saying.

This may explain things, there are two main streams of TeXWorks, as you already know - that which comes with MiKTeX, and also the primary direct source which is looked after by Stefan Löfer and team.

They can be different at times as the MiKTeX maintainers make some tweaks as they see fit.

I do recall the count feature you mentioned, but in the main stream from the source developers:


I am using an earlier version, but you could look at trying the current main release and see if it still has the feature.

Kind regards,


On 11 March 2018 05:54:05 GMT+13:00, Philip Taylor <P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk> wrote:
>Keith -- As far as I know, no implementation of TeX incorporates "find"
>or "find and replace" functionality; such functionality is normally a
>feature of an editor that may (or may not) accompany such an
>implementation.  Is it possible that it is not MikTeX (qua MikTeX) of
>which you speak, but rather TeXworks, the topic of the list to which
>you actually sent your message ?
>Philip Taylor
>Dr A K Hannaby wrote:

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