[texworks] &body=Thank you for taking the time to write an email to the TeXworks mailing list. Please read the instructions below carefully as following them will greatly facilitate the communication. Instructions: -) Please write your message in English (it

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 14:27:51 CEST 2017

Dear Jaho,

Have a look in TeXworks under the Help menu - for "A Short Manual for
TeXworks", and there under "2. Installation", have a look at the first
paragraphs for your system requirements for the LaTeX Typesetting system
you nned (*nix, Mac, Win). Perhaps you need to set one of those up?


On 17 August 2017 at 04:50, Charles Nix <cnix at bargerandnixorgans.com> wrote:

> Jaho:
> You probably have a LaTeX problem rather than a texworks-specific
> problem.  You may get better answers on a general LaTeX board.  (like
> latex.stackexchange.com)
> I have limited experience, but will try to  help you out.
> If the moderators want us to move this to a private exchange, someone will
> say so, I hope.
> 1) Are you choosing to compile with PdfLaTeX?
> 2) What error messages do you see in  the console window that open while
> compiling?
> 3) Have you tried manually compiling your .tex file from the command line?
> 4)  And, please pardon me for asking,  is TeX/LaTeX/PdfLaTeX installed on
> your machine?
> Charles Nix
> On 08/16/2017 08:39 AM, Jaho Seo wrote:
> For a reference, I install the recent version of Acrobat Reader DC.
> Thank you.
> Jaho
> *From:* Jaho Seo
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 16, 2017 8:32 AM
> *To:* 'texworks at tug.org' <texworks at tug.org> <texworks at tug.org>
> *Subject:* &body=Thank you for taking the time to write an email to the
> TeXworks mailing list. Please read the instructions below carefully as
> following them will greatly facilitate the communication. Instructions: -)
> Please write your message in English (it's i
> Hello,
> Thank you so much for your help.
> I am a new user of Latex.
> I installed Texworks 0.6.2 ver.
> However, after compiling a tex file, it cannot generate a pdf file (and
> cannot see the pdf preview)
> Please help me solve this problem.
> Thank you,
> Jaho
> --
> Charles L. Nix, II
> voice: 423.559.1000
> fax:   423.559.1612
> cell:  423.605.1882
> PO Box 429
> 140 Crest Road
> McDonald, TN  37353
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