[texworks] new to TeXworks
Pablo Rodríguez
oinos at web.de
Sat Aug 5 21:29:50 CEST 2017
Dear list,
although I have been using TeX for almost two decades (LaTeX first, and
ConTeXt for a decade), I have to deal with TeXworks now.
The reason is that I’m writing a Spanish introduction to ConTeXt. An
essential part is to help to configure a ConTeXt editor.
I use Geany and Notepad++, but neither of them is an option. The editor
has to be available for Windows, MacOS X and Linux. And it is better
when it is TeX-centered, and not simply a code editor (such as the two
TeXworks has also the great advantage of having been developed for
ConTeXt too. Many thanks for that, because other editors (such as
TexitEasy or TeXstudio) provide features for LaTeX and completely ignore
ConTeXt. Congratulations to the developers of TeXworks and many thanks
for this feature.
After a tricky discovery on how to set the path for the ConTeXt Suite (I
have TeX Live installed and I want to use latest beta for ConTeXt), I
found out that adapting TeXworks for the ConTeXt Suite is extremely
easy. Congratulations again!
Since I had to switch the language for TeXworks to Spanish, I have found
some expressions that could have better translations.
I already made a pull request, but feel free to comment:
I wonder whether my translation is too es-ES. In that case, I think it
would be a sensible policy to have localized versions for countries (at
least for Spanish: es-ES, es-MX, es-AR...).
And a final question. One of the features I miss most (or simply I
wasn’t able to find out how to set it up) is the ability to restore
files (or the last file) from previous session. Does TeXworks contain
such a feature?
Many thanks for your help,
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