[texworks] Missing packages

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Wed Jun 14 22:20:55 CEST 2017

Andreas Hirsch wrote:
> Alaa Haroun schrieb am 2017-06-14 um 16:59:
>> Yes, I went to the miktex package manager and downloaded them, but
>> now when I make any change in my beamer presentation or pdf paper, I
>> cant view the change nor get a result, it keeps compiling with no
>> result
> Please investigate wether
> - the beamer-package ist found during compiling or not
> or
> - compiling stops in fact of an error in your TeX-File concerning beamer
> In fact of the second reason, you should consult a (La)TeX-Formun rather
> then this list
> Andreas
Is it possible that "compiling with no result" means simply that the PDF is not displayed, rather than that the compilation is aborting because of error ?
Philip Taylor

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