[texworks] How to use"makeglossaries" (package " xindy")

José BARALE jose.barale at univ-tlse2.fr
Fri Mar 17 12:04:48 CET 2017


I am a new LaTeX user and a PhD student.

I work on windows 7 (on my laptop)

I have  started to write my thesis with a template, given by Dorian, 
someone who pass is PhD some years before.
In his template, he used the "xindy package" ... It seems that this 
package needs to compil with "makeglossaries" (Perl language) instead of 
"makeindex" ... !

I have read that TexLive distribution includes xindy .. ?
I would like to uses it, but when I try to compil with "makeglossaries" 
in a DOS-command windows, the system answers "the command or the program 
doesn't exist !!"

I would be very pleased to get a solution ...
Thanks a lot

José Barale
IUT de Figeac / Département GMP
Tél . :
Tél . : (salle de recherche)

Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (I.M.F.T.)
2, allée Camille du Professeur Camille Soula
Tél. :

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