[texworks] access to Edit menu - problem with Ctrl-e

Henrik Skov Midtiby henrikmidtiby at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 22:40:43 CEST 2015

It is unfortunately some time ago since Paul has been active on the mailing
But he hosts some documentation of the texworks scripting api.
To get access to an input box look at the following url

Best regards
Den 30/09/2015 21.45 skrev "Alain Delmotte" <leliseron at yahoo.fr>:

> Hi Philip,
> As Henrik said, it is the work of a script.
> I did write very, very simple scripts to surround a selected text by a
> LaTeX command (I have around 20 of them, simple - embedding "xx" in
> "\textsf{xx}" - or more complex - a whole environment for figure - each
> associated with a short cut key combination), but I do not know how to ask
> for a prompt.
> Perhaps you could ask some specialist (for TeXworks, it seems it is Paul
> A. Norman).
> Regards,
> Alain
> Le 28/09/2015 12:33, Philip Taylor a écrit :
> Alain Delmotte wrote:
> The definition of the hot keys (Ctrl+-) is hard coded but can be
> modified/overwriten in the file shortcuts.ini in the <resources> folder
> subfolder\configuration ( C:\Users\<yourname>\TeXworks\configuration for
> the official distribution under Windows - I don't know where it is for
> the MikTeX and TeX Live distributions and on other systems)
> See the manual: A 2 Customising TeXworks - Keyboard shortcuts.
> Would it be possible (do you know) to add a new shortcut such as
> "Ctrl-T" which will surround a highlit stretch of text with paired
> delimiters such as <name> </name> ?  The user should be prompted for
> "name" and TeXworks should add the punctuation automatically.  These
> days my source files are almost invariably XML, and it is rather tedious
> to have to alternate between oXygen (for the XML) and TeXworks (for the
> master/steering file).
> ** Phil.
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