[texworks] Bug

Olivier De Carville Neo2 olivier.decarville at neo2.eu
Thu Jul 30 12:22:22 CEST 2015

Hello !


I'm Olivier and I'm a French student (so i'll try to make this email
understandable for you) and few days ago I've decided to download Texworks
and learn Latex to make a report.

So I learned how to do it and made a part of my report. But today I had a
big problem :

I had to put an image in my report and I used 




With the right name. But as I typeseted, the texdocument closed itself and I
can't re-open it ! The PDF document contains the right image but as I open
the tex document,  it close himself instantly. So I can't continue my work
and moreover I can't access the work I've done !

Do you know the reason of this problem ? And how do I solve it ?


Thanks for your answer  !



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