[texworks] ieeetrantools

Wesley Mathews mathews at georgetown.edu
Sun Jul 26 09:01:55 CEST 2015

Hello Folks,

Why can't I load the ieeetrantools package.

I am using the 64-bit Windows Basic MikTeX installation.  The Package
Manager has loaded several packages that I needed, but can't seem to load
ieeetrantools.  In fact, that package does not even show up in the
repository of Program Manager.

I sometimes use PCTeXv6 and it loaded ieeetrantools for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Wes Mathews
Wesley N. Mathews Jr.
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Georgetown University
3th & O Streets, N.W.
524 Reiss Science Center
Washington, D.C. 20057-0995
Phone:  202 687 5981
Fax:       202 687 2087
Email:    mathews at georgetown.edu
WWW:   http://physics.georgetown.edu/~mathews/
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