[texworks] Problem getting TeXworks to use Times fonts
William Adams
will.adams at frycomm.com
Thu Dec 18 16:18:38 CET 2014
On Nov 28, 2014, at 4:46 PM, Mark Stollberg wrote:
> I work for the US Naval Observatory in the Nautical Almanac Office. We have for years used TeX and LaTeX packages to typeset our Almanac pages. For the last 10 or so years we’ve used PCTeX. Now we need to switch away from PCTeX and I’ve been tasked with investigating using MiKTeX/TeXworks to typeset our pages. I have a number of well tested pages from our Almanacs that I’m attempting to typeset using TeXworks. We usually use the Times New Roman fonts with our pages and I’ve been trying to get XeLaTeX to typeset a sample page. I’ve read through all the instructions I could find about making sure the ptm Times New Roman fonts are available for use and I’ve changed the initial font definitions we use to switch from what PCTeX call their Times New Roman fonts to the ptm fonts. The problem I’m encountering when attempting to typeset my test page is the typesetter is complaining that it can’t find certain files; particularly, it can’t find the p.cfg file and the pt.cfg file. Consequently, while I can force XeLaTeX to typeset the file, it looks nothing like the final typeset page should look. What am I doing wrong? Here is a set of lines from my prolog that I’ve inserted to try to get the right fonts loaded:
> \usepackage{mathptmx}
> \usepackage{pifont}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{textcomp}
> \rmfamily
> \mdseries
> \bfseries
> \upshape
> \itshape
> \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}
> We use Times New Roman fonts scaled as small as 6pt and as large as 12pt. We also use bold fonts and italic fonts. Some of the other pages use math mode and Greek letters as symbols (although, for the test file I’m using, only a large delta appears and that seems to be getting typeset). As I’m new to MiKTeX/TeXworks, it’s likely that I’ve misunderstood how to invoke the Times New Roman fonts. If someone could help me figure out my font problem, I’m sure it will go a good way towards me getting my files typeset. BTW, my work email address is mark.stollberg at usno.navy.mil. If someone replies to this email during the week, my work email address would be the best way to contact me.
Why are you trying to use 8-bit fonts in a Unicode version of TeX?
Would you please send me:
- a sample .tex file for PC-TeX which uses all the font sizes / features which you need
- a matching .pdf
and I'll take a look at it and see what I can puzzle out to get pdflatex or xelatex or lualatex to match it.
William Adams
senior graphic designer
Fry Communications
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
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