[texworks] Alternative location for output PDF files (and, ideally, all non-source files)
Philip Taylor
P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Fri Oct 24 11:22:25 CEST 2014
To ensure that I can continue to work on an important project in the
event of computer failure, I have the source directory for this
projected rooted in my Dropbox directory. Whilst this works well in
both backing up the sources to the cloud and (in the background)
downloading them to another computer, a great deal of resources are
wasted up backing up the resultant PDF file (50Mb) and a large number
(almost 250) of small adjunct files (.aux, .idx, .ind, .toc, .log, .etc)
at very frequent intervals (every time I re-compile the sources, which
is typically every few minutes). Is there some way of instructing
TeXworks and/or XeTeX (whence copies to two lists) to keep all of these
files in an alternative directory that is not itself rooted in the
master source directory ?
Philip Taylor
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