[texworks] Adding .xml to the list of file types that TeXworks will display from its "File / Open" dialogue box.

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Thu Jul 10 19:59:33 CEST 2014

Is anyone able to tell me how to add .xml to the list of file types that 
TeXworks will display from its "File / Open" dialogue box ?
Almost all of my TeX work these days is concerned with processing XML, 
and it is very tedious to have to select "All files (*) (*.*) every time
rather than being able to pick "XML files (*.xml)" from (somewhere near) 
the top of the file-types list ...

And to repeat an earlier request, can anyone tell me how to turn off the 
brace-matching (flash of colour on matching brace) when I use the
cursor keys to move the cursor over a brace ?

Philip Taylor

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