[texworks] "enable plug-in scripting" disabled

BPJ bpj at melroch.se
Fri May 23 10:11:04 CEST 2014

2014-05-23 02:33, Atsuhito Kohda skrev:
>>> If you set "export TW_PLUGINPATH=/usr/lib/texworks"
>>> >>on a terminal and call "texworks" on the same terminal,
>>> >>does it help you?
>>> >>
>> >
>> >Yes it works ! And lua scripts work too.
>> >If a open texworks without this "export" line, the check box is unavailable
>> >again but it remains checked. Unfortunately lua scripts are not available.
>> >Anyway, thank's a lot for this workaround.
> I believe texworks should know a correct value of TW_PLUGINPATH
> but it looks it fails by an accident.  I suspect it will be
> fixed soon.

If it's just a normal environment variable you could put it in
~/.bashrc or similar, or is there a reason not to do so?


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