[texworks] Updated Russian translation

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Mon Apr 21 19:13:46 CEST 2014

Stefan Löffler wrote:

> As for TL'14, there won't be a new version of TeXworks as 0.5 is not
> finished yet (the big thing there will be the new previewer component,
> which has yet to be enabled and tested).

Thanks for the update, Stefan.  Could you please tell me whether 0.5
is scheduled to address the problem I reported on 25/03/2014 09:10 :

> Is there any way of disabling the cursor flash that takes
> place in TeXworks (0.4.5 r. 1280) when the cursor is moved
> over one of a pair of matching delimiters ?  This very
> frequently causes me to believe that the cursor is in the
> wrong place (i.e., at the matching delimiter), as a result
> of which I start to move it only to find it was in the
> correct place in the first place ...

** Phil.

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