[texworks] can't find file

L.A.D. de Boer ldb at driebond.eu
Wed Apr 2 14:07:51 CEST 2014

Dear Jonathan,

Op 01-04-14 20:00, Jonathan Kew schreef:
> It sounds like you're inadvertently running plain tex (or pdftex, or 
> xetex) rather than latex (or pdflatex, or xelatex). \input as a macro 
> with a brace-delimited argument is a LaTeX-ism; in plain TeX, you 
> should NOT have braces, as they'll be interpreted as part of the 
> actual filename.
> This would have been easier to diagnose if you quoted the *exact* 
> output you're getting, which I suspect includes the error message
>   ! I can't find file `{../hdrBook.tex}'.
> (showing the braces as part of the name); it would also include the 
> initial "banner" line that would confirm what TeX format (plain, 
> latex, etc.) you're actually using.
> If I'm right, you need to choose the appropriate compilation tool 
> (e.g. pdflatex) from the options in the TeXworks toolbar. Or add a 
> comment at the top of your file such as
>   % !TEX program = pdflatex
> that tells TeXworks what tool to use.

You are right. I was - unconsciously - running pdfTex instead of the 
pdfLaTeX (which I used on the old pc).
Compiling went ok now.

Extremely grateful, and apologies for not having given the exact 

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