[texworks] Trigger refresh of pdf view?

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 17:24:51 CET 2013

On 20/11/2013 11:04 AM, Stefan Löffler wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for the late reply.
> On 2013-11-16 22:37, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> > I'm using TeXWorks with a preprocessor (Sweave).  I have a custom
> > typesetting command set up to run the preprocessor, then run the
> > result through pdflatex.  I'm having some problems.
> >
> > The file that is processed might not have the same basename as the
> > .pdf file.  (e.g. chapter.Rnw might lead to book.pdf being produced.)
> > The preprocessor is capable of running a system command after
> > producing the .pdf file, so I have it running "texworks book.pdf", but
> > this won't update an existing view of the same file.
> Actually, the preview should be updating automatically if the pdf was
> opened "manually" (i.e., not automatically when opening a tex file). The
> easiest way to ensure this is to open the pdf first, before any other files.
> > Is there a way to tell TeXWorks to update the preview?  I was thinking
> > maybe an "aftertypeset" hook could do it, but I can't find any
> > examples of those.  Is there a collection somewhere of examples of
> > scripts?
> There is a collection of scripts (and an excellent documentation of the
> scripting capabilities in Tw) by Paul Norman:
> http://twscript.paulanorman.info/index.html
> I'm not sure if any of those use the aftertypeset hook, though.
> One script that does make use of the AfterTypeset hook is the log parser
> script, which is bundled with Tw and also available at
> https://code.google.com/p/texworks/source/browse/trunk/res/resfiles/scripts/Hooks/logParser.js
> Anyway, I would try something like the following (note that I haven't
> tested it):
> // TeXworksScript
> // Title: Refresh PDF
> // Description: Refreshes PDFs after typesetting finishes
> // Author: Stefan Löffler
> // Version: 0.1
> // Date: 2013-11-20
> // Script-Type: hook
> // Hook: AfterTypeset
> windows = TW.app.getOpenWindows()
> for (i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
>      win = windows[i]
>      if (win.objectName == "PDFDocument") {
>          win.reload()
>      }
> }
> Note that this would refresh all open pdfs. Also, I wouldn't really
> recommend using objectName (it should identify a windows uniquely;
> currently it doesn't, so this behavior might change in the future), but
> I don't have a better solution right now.

Thanks, that script works fine.

Duncan Murdoch

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