[texworks] [TexLive-Installation] problem with latexmk / runscript.dll-error

Andreas Hirsch cursus.publicus at sacrumromanumimperium.org
Mon Aug 12 23:40:26 CEST 2013

Hi Reinhard,

quoting Reinhard Kotucha, [2013-08-12 23:14]:

> whenever you can reproduce a problem on the command line, it's very
> unlikely that TeXworks is the culprit.

as an apology for this I can only mention, that the error-message in the
TeXWorks-Log was very unspecific

> The problem you described is certainly a glitch in TeX Live which had
> been introduced last weekend.  Norbert fixed it already and people
> reported that it works now.

sorry, overlooked this!

>  It should be sufficient to update TeX
> Live.  


now things work as expected!


'Den größten Fehler,
 den man im Leben machen kann, ist,
 immer Angst zu haben,
 einen Fehler zu machen.'
	Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)

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