[texworks] Is not necesary to load xunicode in Template article-fontspec, according to fontspec

Stefan Löffler st.loeffler at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 11:24:03 CEST 2013


On 2013-08-02 11:04, Denis J. Navas wrote:
> According to fontspec manual
> (http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fontspec/fontspec.pdf),
> no is not necessary to load xunicode:

Thanks for pointing this out.

> Here an excerpt of the manual:
>     xunicode Ross Moore’s xunicode package is now automatically loaded
> for users of both
>     --------
> The default template "article-fontspec.tex" provided by TeXworks
> 0.4.5, loads explicitly xunicode, which is not necessary.

Is it just not necessary, or actually a problem? The excerpt of the
manual sounds to me as if the necessity to load xunicode explicitly was
removed only recently? In that case, maybe it is worthwhile to leave it
in the template for people with older TeX distros? OTOH, it's not
actually used in the template, AFAICT, it's just there for convenience?

What do you think?


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