[texworks] Problems with proxy and -shell-escape (WinXP, TexLive2011)

Ubaldo Tiberi info at ubaldotiberi.it
Wed Mar 13 15:41:33 CET 2013




 Hi have installed TexLive2011, and I cannot download packages with tlmgr.
However, they provided me a proxy server to use in order to download
packets from my building, but I cannot find where to insert this
information. Could you please help me?

Finally, I wish to use psfrag with pdfLaTex. By performing a web search
I found that I need the package pstools and I have to enable shell-escape.
Ok for the package, but how can I set -shell-escape? Could you help me in
doing that please?





----- configuration info ----- 
 TeXworks version : 0.4.3r858 (official) 
 Install location : C:/texlive/2011/tlpkg/texworks/texworks.exe 
 Library path     : C:/Documents and
 pdfTeX location  : C:/texlive/2011/bin/win32/pdftex.exe 
 Operating system : Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 
 Qt4 version      : 4.7.3 (build) / 4.7.3 (runtime) 

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