[texworks] Programmatic access to subsidiary file name

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk
Thu Aug 23 07:17:05 CEST 2012

William Adams wrote:

> AFAIK, there's only \jobname, which would get you Genealogy.tex.

OK, but that's a TeX solution; I was looking for a TeXworks solution,
on the assumption that TeXworks is already parsing the files to look
for (e.g.,) "! TeX Program = ...".

> Since you're in control over \inputting the file, I'd just set the filename in a macro, use it load the sub-file, then call it in the input files.

Excellent suggestion : I had completely overlooked that.
Thank you, William.


> see Fred Smeijers, _Counterpunch: making type in the sixteenth century, designing typefaces now_.

Wonderful recommendation : one of the most interesting books I have
encountered for a very long time.

** Phil.

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