[texworks] Text size

Dona Strauss D.Strauss at hull.ac.uk
Fri Aug 17 10:08:58 CEST 2012

Very many thanks. Dona


From: texworks on behalf of Helber Dussan
Sent: Thu 16/08/2012 22:42
To: Discuss the TeXworks front end.
Subject: Re: [texworks] Text size

I thing you can customise  the editor (what one types, the TeX code ) by simply clicking on the preferences of TeXworks.
Hope this helps.

On Aug 16, 2012, at 4:34 PM, Dona Strauss wrote:

        I have a very simple-minded question. I would prefer to have a larger text size when typing a document in plaintex
   or latex. I cannot find out how to change the text size of the document that I am typing, as distinct from that of the pdf file. I would be very grateful if you could tell me how to do this.
         Dona Strauss


   From: texworks on behalf of Frederick Mayer
   Sent: Wed 15/08/2012 17:01
   To: texworks at tug.org<mailto:texworks at tug.org>
   Subject: [texworks] Message from TeXworks user

   I opened a Tex document with TeXworks and I don't know how to get back opening the document in standard LateX format that I'm used to. Can you tell me how to do this?

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