[texworks] Call for Help: Testing for Tw 0.4.4

Ken Brown kbrow1i at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 16:43:41 CEST 2012

On 3/29/2012 6:22 AM, Stefan Löffler wrote:
> Hi all,
> after the call for translations, I guess this request does not come as a
> surprise. We're currently heading for a release of Tw 0.4.4 in
> mid-April, in time for its inclusion in TeXLive'12. Hence, I want to ask
> everyone on this list (who is willing to participate) to give the latest
> Tw 0.5 r979 a try (since that will become the basis of 0.4.4).

I'm new to this list (and to TeXworks).  Is there a source tarball 
available if I want to try building Tw 0.5 r979, or should I just 
checkout the svn trunk?


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