[texworks] Message from TeXworks user

Stefan Löffler st.loeffler at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 10:48:02 CET 2012


On 2012-03-06 10:34, Paul A Norman wrote:
> On 6 March 2012 05:43, grivet <grivet at cnrs-orleans.fr
> <mailto:grivet at cnrs-orleans.fr>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     Thank you for your quick answer. I have more questions.
>>        sync between latex and dvi
>>     Ok, 
>>     (i) Right Mouse button and read the menu in either Tex or preview
>>     Or
>>     (ii)holding the Crtl key down, click with the left mouse button
>>     in the text or preview window where you want to sync
>     Doesn't work for me; I use Miktek and Yap. Clicking in the preview
>     window yields the message: "source file could not be opened,
>     because the page contains no source links".

Just a brief answer: TeXworks is built for the pdf workflow (as Paul
pointed out). Synchronizing with dvi is not supported (out of the box).
Going the .tex > .dvi route is not possible at the moment as TeXworks
doesn't currently support external viewers for synchronization. Going
the other way, i.e., .dvi > .tex, should work, but requires
(a) the dvi to be processed in a special way (I'm no expert here,
either, but if Yap tells you there are no source links, then I would
suspect the dvi does not contain the data necessary for synchronization)
(b) Yap to be configured to talk to TeXworks (`TeXworks.exe -p <lineno>
file.tex` should work).

>     As labels for formulas and figures, I use abbreviations that the
>     spell-checker considers as spelling errors. Is it possible to
>     prevent the spell-checker from "looking inside" blocks starting
>     with \ref or \label ?
> Yes have  a look at the TeXworks Manual under—
> Apendix A  - Customizing TeXworks :  A.1 Syntax highlighting  
> There it will tell you how to edit your syntax-patterns.txt file.
> You may be able to use the N option in the spelling position to
> achieve what you want.
> I have one with Y for spell checking to be on, under my Latex Section,
> you'll need to nominate another colour, I do not know whether there is
> such a thing as 'default'/'current' colour setting.

You can also use the same color if you don't want to change the visual
appearance. Colors don't need to be mutually exclusive.
The "default" color is "normal text on normal background" (usually black
on white, but this may depend on your system palette, stylesheets, etc.).

> Regular expressions are not my strength, but may be you could have...
> black N \\((label)|(ref))\{.+\}

At a quick glance, this looks good.

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