[texworks] Scripting: - Scripts - Request for web / code addresses

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 06:37:16 CET 2012


If any one has posted scripts for TeXworks on their own web or code site,
would you mind please dropping me an email (even off-list if you wish)
letting me know if you would be happy for it to be listed?

To help people find pre-prepared scripts to extend the editor,  I am making
a temporary unofficial list of available sites, to show on
http://twscript.paulanorman.info (if I have already left any one of that
list, please accept my sincere apologies!).

I already have received the links for Henrik Skov Midtiby, and Stefan
Löffler, thank you very much, and I have mentioned Google Code Issue 261.

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