[texworks] Mouse/trackpad gestures on the Mac (was: new *experimental* builds)

Charlie Sharpsteen chuck at sharpsteen.net
Thu Dec 1 19:42:50 CET 2011

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 6:35 AM, JP B <jp.pourri at gmail.com> wrote:

> This (impossible to scroll with the magic mouse) is a serious problem to
> me, too.
> Is there a way to fix this? Would be great to be able to scroll (with old
> version of the previewer, this worked, at least when the page was not
> completely displayed).
> I however propose the following work around, unless anyone knows anything
> better: with the mouse pointer in the blue/gray scrolling bar (let say the
> right one) of the previewer window, you can scroll (vertically) with one
> finger on the magic mouse. If you want to scroll horizontally, you need to
> have the mouse pointer in the bottom blue/gray scrolling bar.
> Sorry for my english, hope this may help and thanks very much for the
> work: texworks is my every-day latex tool...

This is a known issue. The problem is: I don't have a MagicMouse,
MagicTrackpad, MacBook or other touch-sensitive piece of Apple hardware.
So, I cannot develop and debug this functionality.

If someone with the proper equipment wants to take a shot at developing
this, I would suggest working on the new PDF viewer Stefan and I are
creating as this code will replace the viewer currently used by TeXworks:


The C++ class responsible for displaying a viewport to PDF pages is called
`PDFDocumentView`. The code that defines this class lives in the files
`src/PDFDocumentView.cpp` and `src/PDFDocumentView.h`.

I will gladly merge any pull request that adds support for gesture
sensitive input devices like the MagicMouse.

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