[texworks] TeXworks 0.4.3 : where is the transcript file

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sat Nov 12 13:31:45 CET 2011

Thank you, Arno : I see what is happening.
I did indeed try "File/Open", but left the
default file type as "TeX documents (*.tex)"
and overwrote the blank "File name" box
with "*.log".  In other applications, the
*.log would normally override the "Files of
type" filter, but it would seem that TeXworks
reverses the order of precedence.

I am surprised, though, that TeXworks appears
to lack the "Document/Log file" feature of
WinEDT, with which I am more familiar.

** Phil.
Arno Trautmann wrote:

> It does, if not anything has gone horribly wrong. If you're on windows,
> that “clever” OS is “userfriendly” in not showing certain file
> extensions. Check if this is the case for you and deactivate that (in my
> opinion) stupid “feature“.
> Just open the open dialogue and type in the whole name (i.e.
> <source>.log). It should then be opened, also if it is not shown in the
> file list.

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