[texworks] (no subject)

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 10:36:38 CET 2011

No worries I'll have  a look...

looks pretty good...


-) Please write your message in English (it's in your own best interest;
otherwise, many people will not be able to understand it and therefore will
not answer).

-) Please type something meaningful in the subject line.

-) If you are having a problem, please describe it step-by-step in detail.

-) After reading, please delete these instructions (up to the
"configuration info" below which we may need to find the source of

----- configuration info -----
TeXworks version : 0.5r944 (official)
Install location :
Library path     : G:/latexportable/LaTexUtils/TeXWorks/texworks/config\
pdfTeX location  :
Operating system : Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
Qt4 version      : 4.7.3 (build) / 4.7.3 (runtime)

On 7 November 2011 21:51, Stefan Löffler <st.loeffler at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2011-11-07 03:08, Paul A Norman wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is it a feature or bug that 0.5 943
> >
> >     Menu> Help/ Email to maling list
> >
> > no longer includes in an email, a subject line, nor incorporates in
> > the body the version and Os information?
> No subject line is a feature - because we got many messages where people
> didn't bother to alter the predefined subject line (why should they,
> anyway), which makes it impossible to see at a glance what a message is
> about (and consequently makes it tedious to find a message again later).
> Therefore, the subject line was removed (if people still don't enter a
> meaningful subject, the situation is the same, but if they do, it is
> greatly improved).
> But email and OS information should still be present, so that is a bug.
> In fact, we even added some instructions what to specify and how to do
> it (e.g., to add a subject line ;)).
> There was a minor problem in the code that apparently was handled
> gracefully on my Linux machine. That was corrected in r944 - could you
> please test if this solved the issue on Windows?
> Cheers,
> Stefan
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