[texworks] Wishlist for TeXworks 0.4.3+

Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Tue Nov 1 17:31:26 CET 2011

Would it be possible to have a wishlist for TeXworks
as well as one for the embedded previewer ?  If so,
may I start the ball rolling ?

1) Select multiple lines, then tab, should indent selected lines.
2) Select multiple lines, then shift+tab, should outdent selected lines.
3) Intermittent warnings such as "*** Warning *** ICC Profile ..." should not disappear without trace at end of compilation.
4) Intermittent warnings such as "*** Warning *** ICC Profile ..." should not be intermittent, and effort should
	be expended on tracking down their cause.
5) Setting the processing engine to (say) XeTeX should add the pragmat "% !TeX program = xetex" to the source file  if it
	does not already have such a pragmat.

'Nuff for now ?

Philip Taylor

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