[texworks] inconsistens because of help-files?

Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sat Aug 20 11:43:07 CEST 2011

Christian Buhtz wrote:

> I need to see everytime(!) a absolute actual and correct
> Output without ? or old section names.
> How can I do this?

In a sense, you can't, because every change that affects cross-
references may need at least two further runs of LaTeX before
all references are properly resolved (and the matter is further
complicated if you are using BibTeX as well [1]).  So if you elect
to preview the output after /every/ LaTeX run, then the probability
is that up to 50% of those previews will be wrong.

But if you force yourself to wait, and to run LaTeX twice after
every change to the master document before trying to preview,
then all should be well.  Of course, as you are using TeXworks,
you will still be /presented/ with an incorrect preview after
the first LaTeX pass following a source-code change, but you
will simply have to ignore it, to compile the changed document a
second time, and then all should be well.

Philip Taylor

[1] I never use BibTeX, and almost never use LaTeX, but I seem
to recall that if you use BibTeX then you may need the following
sequence before the output will be correct :

	LaTeX / LaTeX / BibTeX / LaTeX

Others more knowledgeable than I in such matters may well wish
to correct any inadvertent errors of fact.
> v0.4.3.r858 (official)
> I am new in \LaTeX{} and because of that I am not sure which
> component of the tex-system (TexLive 2011) influences my
> problem. So I start with the front end TeXworks.
> If I modify the name of a \section then in \tableofcontents
> is still the old name.
> With \ref and \pageref there is often only '??' to see.
> Sometimes a second build affects the correct output.

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